The dollar rose to its highest in two weeks against a basket of major currencies on Wednesday, as investors sought the greenback's safety on continued geopolitical tensions in Russia and Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin put Russian combat troops on high alert for war games near Ukraine on Wednesday, the Kremlin's most powerful gesture yet after days of saber rattling since its ally Viktor Yanukovich was toppled as president in Kiev.
In late morning trading, the dollar index rose 0.39 percent to 80.457. It hit a high of 80.490, it strongest level since mid February. The dollar also rose against the euro, which was down 0.54 percent at $1.3672 after hitting a two week-trough of $1.3584. The greenback extended gains versus the euro after data showing sales of new US single-family homes surged to a 5-1/2-year high in January, easing concerns of a sharp slowdown in the housing market. Against the yen, the dollar was up 0.09 percent at 102.30.