The following were the fluctuations observed during the day:
Current Session Prior Day
Open High Low Last Time Set Chg Vol Set
Mar'14 86.13 86.69 85.78 86.31 14:20 86.31 0.79 10082 85.52
February 06
Mar'14 86.22 86.72 85.28 85.37 14:20 85.37 -0.85 154 86.22
February 26
May'14 87.50 87.94 86.25 86.37 14:20 86.37 -0.98 20753 87.35
February 26
Jul'14 87.30 87.62 85.86 85.95 14:20 85.95 -1.14 4106 87.09
February 26
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