Inspector General of Police Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Nasir Khan Durrani on Wednesday visited far-flung Tank and Lakki Marwat districts of the province. During his visit, the IGP inspected police lines and police stations of both the districts and bordering posts of Tank, i.e. Siddique and Luqman post jointly manned by Army and Police Jawans.
The IGP met with Army and Police personnel on these check posts and commended the high moral and operational preparedness of the personnel performing duties on these posts adjacent to the South Waziristan and urged them to keep continue performing of duties with same spirit and zeal.
Besides the check posts in Tank the IGP also inspected police line and police station Shaheed Murid Akbar and city police station where in district Lakki the IGP visited city and Cantt Police Stations.
The police chief met with the police Jawans on the occasion and apprised himself of the difficulties and problems being faced by them and issued necessary instructions for its situation to the police high-ups present on the occasion.
The police chief also visited main bazaar of Tank and Lakki Marwat where he met with the general public at different points and heard their grievances and suggestions about law and order and issued instant directives to the concerned quarters for its solution.
The police chief also awarded the police jawans of both the districts who showed outstanding performance during line of duty in different time against the criminals.
DIG D.I. Khan, Abdul Ghafoor Afridi and DPO Tank Anwar Saeed Kundi and DIG Bannu Sajid Khan accompanied the IGP on these occasions.