"So Imran Khan is actually supportive of the government's how to deal with Taliban terrorism policy?"
"Yep, and I would rather you don't refer to it so facetiously, the Taliban have killed thousands of innocent civilians at market places, at imambargahs, at..."
"I wasn't being facetious."
"How to deal with Taliban policy? I mean what was that all about! Like a How to manual?"
"Oh that! Well, don't be so sensitive, besides you should not take words so seriously, please be reminded of that old proverb sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me."
"Excuse me, but if the world begins to believe that proverb then an entire discipline would become redundant."
"What discipline?"
"The psychologists and the psychiatrists, and don't forget the drone strikes, the terror strikes by the Taliban all leave an indelible mark on our psyches and..."
"Psychology is a very important part of our decision making process. See when Nawaz Sharif went to visit Imran Khan in his house do you know what the seating arrangement was? And this time one cannot lay the blame on the Prime Minister, he certainly wasn't incharge of the seating arrangements in Khan's house."
"Here comes your most recent obsession? The seating arrangements of our leadership!"
"But it is important as it shows the way these leaders view themselves within their party's context. Imran and Nawaz Sharif were seated equidistant from each other at the exact same angle while their party members were seated in rows on opposite sides."
"Remember the slogan of the French revolution: liberty, equality and fraternity."
"Yes, but that doesn't apply in the seating arrangements of our political leaders right?"
"Right, the followers have to subsume their will to the will of the leader, inequality across a range including different income tax with the same income, and fraternity behind the leader."
"One out of three isn't bad. I mean we still have fledgling democracy and..."
"Don't be facetious."
"OK, so next time we urge the leaders to support a rectangle table or a round table or..."
"I give up."