The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Tuesday issued notice to secretary interior ministry, home secretary, IG Sindh, and other police officials, asking them to submit comments in four missing persons' cases. The petitioner, Shahnaz Kosar, told two-judge bench that her two sons, Awais and Muhammad Waqas, were missing since September 22 2013. She said to have approached law enforcement agencies but there was no clue to them.
Another petitioner, Mian Nasir Khan, submitted before the court that his son Abdullah was picked up by the agencies on March 11, 2014 and since then his whereabouts were unknown to him. The petitioner, Jan Hussain, said that his son, Maaz Hussain, was missing since February 12 and requested the court to direct agencies to trace out his whereabouts. Muhammad Nawaz submitted that he, along with his brother Muhammad Amin and his son Muhammad Ilyas, was picked up by rangers on June 5, 2009.