India's government on Wednesday criticised Pakistan's move to expel two Indian journalists as a "retrograde step" for bilateral ties. The Islamabad-based journalists were ordered to leave the country by May 20 after authorities refused to extend their visas. Snehesh Alex Philip of the Press Trust of India news agency and Meena Menon of The Hindu newspaper arrived in Pakistan less than a year ago.
"It is regrettable and unfortunate that the two Indian correspondents in Pakistan have been asked to leave prematurely and suddenly only a few months after their arrival there," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Syed Akbaruddin said. "Not allowing independent journalists to function is a retrograde step, especially as free flow of information between India and Pakistan has long been recognised as an important confidence building measure," he said.
Indian media reported that New Delhi would raise the matter with Pakistan, but there was no official confirmation. Philip said the authorities on Tuesday night asked him and Menon to leave the country. "No reason was given for the government refusal to extend the visas," he said. Last year, a New York Times reporter was expelled from Pakistan, seen as one of the most difficult countries to work as a journalist.