Parliamentary Secretary on Interior and Narcotics Control Marryam Aurangzeb on Thursday said the Interior Ministry would issue the Red Warrants of the hardened absconders of Karachi once the provincial government of Sindh send a reference of the same to the Federal Government.
Responding to a Calling Attention Notice moved by MNA Nabeel Ahmed Gabol regarding the commission of offences in Karachi by the hardened absconders conspiring from abroad and their non-arrest, the parliamentary secretary said some criminals were identified by the concerned departments in their meeting on March 14, 2014, whose red warrants were needed to be issued. "In March 16 meeting, the names of Uzair Baloch and Baba Ladla were finalised," she added.
Marryam Auranzeb further informed that only the reference regarding Uzair Baloch was sent to the ministry by the Sindh government on Wednesday, adding that warrants of Uzair Baloch would be issued after verification of the document sent by the provincial government. She said the Prime Minister was himself looking after the Karachi operation and he, in the last meeting held on Wednesday, had given a timeframe to the provincial government in which the reference would be sent.