Message from Prime Minister of Pakistan

23 May, 2014

World Telecom and Information Society (WTIS) Day is being celebrated worldwide today with the theme of "Broadband for Sustainable Development". This year's theme directly relates to Pakistan, where our present Government has successfully auctioned spectrum for Next Generation Mobile Services in Pakistan; my most earnest congratulation to the team who have made this possible in a transparent and competitive manner. This much awaited initiative has brought Pakistan to the cutting edge of technology, enabling it to achieve new frontiers of advancement. Adoption of this technology will improve service delivery and open up new opportunities for employment, business and income generation. In Pakistan, people are getting better opportunities and are excelling in every field. Broadband access brings socio-economic development and plays an important role in all strata of society, particularly empowering women by giving access to equal opportunities.
Increased human interaction and the advancement in technology have transformed our lives to a significant level. Broadband drives trade, education, and creates employment opportunities; hence improving the living standards of our citizen. As the role of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) has evolved into an enabler of growth, it is very important to provide universal, affordable and equitable access to ICTs to the people.
Government of Pakistan has accorded highest priority to the development of ICT infrastructure and applications for the provision of quality services, education, employment generation, and women empowerment. Government through Ministry of Information Technology (MoOT), Virtual University, Universal Service Fund Company and National ICT R&D Fund Company has initiated a range of successful programs to promote ICT opportunities for the people of Pakistan.
I urge students, businesses, teachers, researchers and every Pakistani to leverage ICTs and reap maximum benefits from the wide-ranging available opportunities around the world, which is now being provided at your doorstep with the help of Next Generation Mobile Services in Pakistan.

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