Karachi police on Monday claimed to have arrested around 70 alleged criminals in different targeted raids and encounters conducted at different parts of metropolis during last 24 hours. According to police, they conducted some 80 targeted raids and four encounters in ongoing operations in the city that led to the arrests of 70 alleged criminals involved in different criminal activities.
During the operations, police arrested some 16 criminals under Arms Act and 14 under Narcotics Act. Six dacoit or robbers, one proclaimed offender (PO), one kidnapper, 11 absconders, and some 21 others involved in criminal activities were also arrested. Police recovered 14 pistols from their possession. Meanwhile, CPLC said it arrested two alleged extortionists Anwar Latif son of Amanullah and Muhammad Obaid son of Bashir in a joint raid with Shahrah-e-Noor Jahan police in Katti Pahari area. The detained accused were demanding Rs 50 millions extortion from a leather manufacturer of Korangi Industrial Area (KIA). An FIR, No 158, 159/2014, was registered against the accused by Shahrah-e-Noor Janan police.