Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that federal government has presented best, people-friendly and balanced budget for next financial year in the difficult conditions which will open new avenues of development. He said that no burden has been put on common man in the budget rather increase of billions of rupees has been made in the amounts of welfare programmes for providing relief to the poor people. The Chief Minister said that solid steps have been proposed for the uplift of education, health, agriculture, livestock and other social sectors.
He said that special package has been announced for textile sector as a result of which not only exports of the country will increase but textile sector will also strengthen. Shahbaz Sharif said 205 billion rupees have been allocated for energy projects in the federal budget which is a proof of the fact that government is sincere and serious in riding the people of energy crisis. He said that various measures have been suggested for the welfare of small cultivators and livestock farmers. Exports of the country will increase with the decision of setting up of Exim Bank, he added.