The federal government has allocated Rs 424.110 million for Information Broadcasting and National Heritage Division for the fiscal year 2014-15 under Public Sector Development Program (PSDP). Rs 40 million has been allocated for two new schemes, while Rs 384.110 million will be spent on 33 ongoing schemes.
The government has allocated Rs 20 million each for capacity building for economic/development journalism and dubbing of Pakistani Dramas in foreign languages. The government allocated Rs 16.972 for construction of auditorium at Pakistan Academy of Letters, Islamabad, Rs 10 million for Media Monitoring and Tracking Center Directorate of Electronic Media and Publications Islamabad, Rs 10 million for Preparation of Database of Painting /Art Works PNCA Islamabad, Rs 79.425 million for preservation and Restoration of Sheikhupura Fort (under US Ambassador's fund for cultural preservation program). The government has allocated Rs 285 million for as many as 24 rebroadcast stations across the country, including Gilgit-Baltistan and AJ&K. Rs 21 million has been allocated for rehabilitation of MW Radio Broadcasting Network with the financial assistance of Japan, Rs 4.500 million for replacement of 10 KW MW with 100 KW MW transmitter D.I Khan under US aid program and Rs 19.123 million has been earmarked for the replacement of MW transmitter of Muzaffarabad, Hyderabad and Multan. The government has allocated Rs 8.014 million for setting up laboratory and restoration of damaged painting/art works, PNCA Islamabad and Rs 9.500 million for up-gradation of security of NAG, PNCA Islamabad.