The government has allocated Rs 1071.300 million for 19 projects of National Food Security and Research division for the fiscal year 2014-2015 under Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP). Out of the total, Rs 740 million has been allocated for 10 ongoing schemes while Rs 331.135 million will be spent on nine new schemes.
Of the total allocation, an amount of Rs 328.804 million has been allocated for the agriculture development programme, Rs 150 million for National Institute of Genomics and Advanced Bio Technology (NIGAB), Rs 100 million for the promotion of olive cultivation on commercial scale in Pakistan, Rs 100 million for value addition in agriculture-cluster development approach, Rs 62 million for the up-gradation and establishment of animal quarantine stations in Pakistan and Rs 52 million for National Pesticides Resides Residues monitoring system in Pakistan. The government has allocated Rs 47 million for the indigenization of hybrid seed production for enhanced crops production, Rs 46 million for monitoring of crops through satellite Technology phase-II and Rs 30 million for Pak China corporation for agricultural research and development.
In the budget 2014-15, Rs 23.574 million has been allocated for the establishment of Americas channel catfish hatchery at NARCH, Rs 21.434 for the establishment of livestock research institute Khuzadar Balochistan, Rs 21.596 for special programme for strengthening of SPS facilities and quality inspection services in compliance with WTO- establishment of an integrated national animal and plan health inspection services and Rs 20 million for the upgradation of arid zone research institute to the level of AZRC and establishment of new adaptive Res. Cum South Waziristan agency, Miranshah, north Waziristan Agency Tank and Matora, Lakki Marwat.