Equities on Friday moved both ways on the Lahore Stock Exchange and finally settled in negative zone while LSE-25 index registered handsome gain of 108.07 points to end at 5700.51 against 5592.44 of Thursday following buyers' interest in select bluechips. The transaction volume was squeezed to 1.907 million shares compared with day earlier volume of 2.884 million shares.
Buying in OGDC, Hascol Petroleum, PPL, K-Electric, Honda Atlas Cars, Al-Ghazi Tractors, Fauji Cement, PTCL, Bank Alfalah, Bank of Punjab, Fauji Fertilizer and Engro Fertilizer helped index improvement. On the contrary, PSO, Shell Pakistan, Engro Foods, United Bank, Gul Ahmed Textile Mills, Nishat Chunian, Nishat Mills, D G Khan Cement, Pak Elektron and Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim remained under profit taking ahead of weekend.
The losers were slightly more than the gainers, as out of a total of 89 active issues, 17 companies posted gains, 22 suffered losses while 50 companies were ended without any change. Al-Ghazi Tractors gained Rs 13.10, OGDC was improved by Rs 5.39, Honda Atlas Cars was appreciated by Rs 4.10 while Hascol Petroleum and PPL were up by Rs 3.58 and Rs 3.20, respectively. PSO lost Rs 6.00, Engro Foods was declined by Rs 5.35, United Bank shed Rs 3.29 while Shell Pakistan and Gul Ahmed Textile Mills were down by Rs 2.57 and Rs 2.50, respectively. Lafarge Pakistan Cement with trading of 581,500 shares topped the volume leader followed by PTCL with 268,000 shared.