IDG holds exclusive sessions for CFOs, CSOs

07 Jun, 2014

Under the flagship of IDG Enterprise brands in Pakistan, CFO World Business Journal and CSO Central Executive Sessions were held back to back, to bring together the local business community. The sessions were held in Karachi at a local hotel. The first session of CFO World Business Journal series focused on creating dialogue around the topic "Contemporary Finance: Demystifying IT in the Finance Department" and included CFOs from a variety of industries including FSI, Logistics, Pharma and FMCG.
Regional Managing Director and Publisher of IDG products in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, Salaina Haroon, said on the occasion, "These executive sessions are held to aid awareness and form close ties between these organisations by connecting their CIOs, CSOs and CFOs whose vision and experience in the field can alter tough challenges in the field of technology, finance and information security." She also announced that IDG's premier enterprise brand in Pakistan CIO - Business Technology Leadership, has completed six years on the same day.
The discussion helped CFOs understand where they fit in and the how the modern CFO has to almost perform the role or work seamlessly with the CIO, especially looking at leaner organisational spending after the global financial fallout and was attended by CFOs from ICAP, CDC, NIT, DHL and State Life Insurance attended the event. This executive session was powered by Innovative Channels and Interactive Group.
"We had an excellent mix of participants from different sectors who touched upon some valuable areas, on how the role of CFO has changed in this environment, and what are the challenges in tomorrow's environment that CFOs are going to face", said RehanUddin, Head of ACCA Karachi.
Followed by that was the CSO Central Session, "Security, Enterprise and the Cloud", powered by Trillium Information Systems (TISS). Among many other challenges faced by the executives in their corporations, the session focused on data security over the cloud, leakage or misuse of information due to the lack of competent infrastructure in organisations. Targeted at IT/Security experts, the event was attended by CIOs/CSOs from UBL, Bank Al-Habib, KASB, Engro Corp, Dubai Islamic Bank, Candy Land, NBP, Philips Pakistan and many other leading banks. The attendees at the events included CSOs, CISOs and CFOs from verticals such as: Textile, Logistics, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, Education, and Financial services sector.-PR

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