The Lahore High Court on Friday summoned advisor to ministry of information technology on Science and registrar Punjab University on June 16 in a petition against hurdles being created in launch of inexpensive injection for cure of hepatitis-C. The petitioner, a bar member, pleaded that a known scientist Riazuddin had created inexpensive injection, 'inferno' but the unholy alliance of multinational pharmaceutical companies and ministry of information technology had put hurdles in the way of selling injection in the market for common people.
He said ministry after joining hands with PU registrar removed Dr Riaz from the project and made Dr Iqbal project head. He pointed out that a fake inquiry had also been launched against Dr Riazuddin. He said Dr Iqbal had intentionally made a wrong statement that injection is being provided at Rs 70 each and the respondent advisor confirmed his statement. He said now PU registrar had asked Dr Riazuddin to vacate the building of the project. During the course of hearing, the court remarked that hepatitis patients were dying while the government is sitting idle.