Bears dominated the wholesale grain market on Monday due to steady arrivals from upcountry centres, dealers said. On the cereals side, Makai low type was lower by Rs 75 to Rs 2625 and the best variety followed the suit, lost Rs 100 to Rs 2650, masoor Dall fell sharply by Rs 300 to Rs 9800-9900, wheat Bardan (new), however, picked up Rs 25 to Rs 3350, they said.
On the grams side, Bajra low quality did not move any side at Rs 2800 while the good quality was up by Rs 200 to Rs 4200, they said. On the seeds sector, cottonseeds oilcake with bag Sindh (new) drifted lower by Rs 50 to Rs 1800 and Rs 1825, other types held the week-end levels in the process of trading, they said. On the rice side, prices were unchanged, they added.