Amidst grief and sorrow, the elderly Baloch nationalist ideologue, Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri, was laid to rest in Quetta on Thursday. Nawab Marri's funeral prayer was offered in New Kahan, located in Western suburb of Quetta. Earlier, the body of Nawab Marri was brought to Hockey Stadium, Quetta, for funeral prayers. However, political workers opposed the location of the funeral prayers, after which the body was shifted to New Kahan for burial.
Prominent among those who attended his funeral prayers were the son of Nawab Marri, Nawabzada Jangaiz Marri, Nawabzada Jamil Akbar Bugti, former chief minister Humayoun Khan Marri, Baloch nationalist leader Dr Abdul Hayee Baloch, Chairman Voice for Baloch Missing Persons Mama Qadeer Baloch and Central Secretary Information Balochistan National Party (Mengal) Agha Hassan Baloch. Thousands of Baloch nationalist workers participated in the funeral prayers. Political workers chanted full-throated slogans in support of the Baloch nationalists movement. Strict security measures were adopted by the administration to avert any untoward incident.