"Appeal Day" was observed at Punjab Civil Secretariat on the request of All Pakistan Secretariat Co-ordination Council with the demand that the government should announce raise in salaries at par to inflation rate of necessities of life. As many as 600 employees between Basic Pay Scale (BPS-1 to 16) gathered at parking lot to urge the prime minister, federal finance minister and chief minister Punjab to accept the demands of subordinate employees of the province. No official work was done during last one hour of office timing.
Rana Nisar Ahmed president Civil Secretariat Employees Association said that government should revise its decision of 10 per cent raise announced and it should be at par to the inflation rate of kitchen items and lifestyle. Nisar said it became hard for the lower officials to lead respectful life in their salaries as the prices of routine food and other necessity of life went beyond their access.
Abdul Karim Awan secretary Information of Association said the government should upgrade Clerical Cadre as was upgraded in federal government and other provinces. The government employees in Punjab should be given utility allowance, which had been provided to the employees of other provinces. The government should removed financial discrepancies in pay scales of provincial employees and Punjab employees should be given fair raise in salaries, Awan said.