That a Narendra-led India is seeking a policy reset in region is a fact that can be witnessed in Modi's pledges for a 'strong' foreign policy. According to reports, India's new nationalist government has promised to pursue a more muscular foreign policy and "engage energetically" with China as Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Beijing's top diplomat.
In a keynote speech before parliament that was written by Modi, Indian President Pranab Mukherjee said that Modi's newly-elected government was "committed to building a strong, self-reliant and self-confident India" that wanted to take its "rightful place in the comity of nations."
After promising to shore up relations with other South Asian countries which have forged closer ties to Beijing during the last decade of Congress rule, Mukherjee singled out China for mention in his speech. "My government will engage energetically with other neighbours in our region, including China, with whom we will work to further develop our Strategic and Co-operative Partnership," he reportedly said. The situation therefore requires us to monitor the evolving situation in the region carefully with a view to articulating a right policy response.