Taiwan stocks were trading flat on Monday morning after the six-year closing highs seen recently, but memory chip makers were the bright spots amid investor optimism of improving prospects. The main TAIEX index edged down 0.09 percent at 9,188.56 as of 0238 GMT, compared with a flat close in the prior session. The index has been hovering at the 9,100 level after reaching a more-than-six-year closing high earlier this month.
Topping the most active list by turnover was DRAM maker Inotera Memories, jumping 3.6 percent. Smaller rival Winbond Electronics also rose 3 percent. Outlook for these DRAM makers have improved due to stronger demand and better product prices. Among the decliners, struggling smartphone maker HTC slipped 1.4 percent. HTC is set to hold its annual general meeting later this week. The Taiwan dollar was up by 0.156 percent at T$30.006 against US dollar.