The rupee managed to gain against the dollar on the money market on Wednesday in the process of trading, dealers said. The rupee maintained firmness in terms of the dollar, recovering 18-paisa for buying at Rs 98.32 and it also picked up 15-paisa for selling at Rs 98.35, they said.
In the third Asian trade, the US dollar held onto modest gains on Wednesday, having risen broadly after US consumer prices recorded their largest increase in more than a year in May. The dollar index last stood at 80.607, having climbed 0.2 percent on Tuesday. Against the yen, the greenback reached a one-week high of 102.25, while the euro retreated from a one-week peak to $1.3547.
The dollar was trading against the Indian rupee at Rs 60.40, the greenback was at 3.2320 in terms of the Malaysian ringgit and the US currency was available at 6.2316 versus the Chinese yuan. Interbank buy/sell rates for the taka against the dollar on Wednesday: 77.63-77.63 (previous 77.63-77.63). Call Money Rates: 05.50-07.00 percent (previous 05.25-07.25 percent).
Open Bid Rs 99.70
Open Offer Rs 99.90
Bid Rate Rs 98.32
Offer Rate Rs.98.35
According to the currency dealers, the dollar was opened on a negative sign and could not sustain due to lacking buyers' interest. At close of trading, the dollar was ended at Rs 99.65 and Rs 99.90 as its buying and selling rates against Rs 99.60 and Rs 99.85 of Tuesday, respectively.
However, the rupee-pound sterling parity remained unchanged amid sluggish trading activity on the open market. The pound was traded at its overnight closing of Rs 168.75 and Rs 169.00 on buying and selling counter, respectively, the dealers said.