Federal Minister for Commerce Engineer Khurram Dastgir said the establishment of Bahawalpur Economic Development Forum is an important step towards the development and prosperity of the industrial and economic sector of the area under the auspices of Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was addressing a function held at Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry in connection with 'VISION 2040' on Tuesday.
He said the mission of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is to remove all barriers for the promotion of trade sector and enhancement of employment opportunities on the country. Federal Minister for Commerce appreciated the establishment of "VISION 2040" by Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the promotion and development of economic activities in the region during the next twenty five years.
He said the government is establishing Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park in Cholistan for the production of electricity through solar power and under the first phase one hundred megawatt electricity will be produced by December. Earlier, President, Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ameer Yousuf Ali Khan in his welcome address highlighted the different aspects of Bahawalpur Economic Development Forum's "VISION 2040".