Former Law Minister Punjab, Rana Sanaullah, claimed on Tuesday that Model Town incident was result of mismanagement, and not a conspiracy or planning. The minister was asked to resign by Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif after the Lahore incident which left 12 people dead and over 80 injured as a result of clash between police and workers of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT).
The minister arrived at Lahore High Court to appear before a one-man tribunal investigating the clash. The panel consists of LHC judge, Justice Ali Baqar Najfi. "It was result of an administrative mismanagement and not a conspiracy or plot as widely believed," said the PML-N stalwart. "I'm appearing before the panel as a common man. I have confidence in the commission. Our hands are clean and we will succeed if God willing." About diversion of PAT chief Dr Qadri's flight from Islamabad to Lahore, he said the decision was taken to ensure safety of passengers and the plane.