Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif ordered a crackdown against hoarders and profiteers and said that immediate measures be taken for bringing out the hoarded items from godowns. He said the common man will not be left at the mercy of hoarders and profiteers and no one will be allowed to exploit the citizens.
He was addressing a meeting of Provincial Price control Committee to review prices of fruits, vegetables and essential commodities through video conference, here on Thursday.
The Chief Minister said Punjab government has announced the biggest Ramazan Package in the history of the province and a subsidy of five billion rupees has been given for the provision of flour at subsidised rate to the masses. He said that ghee, pulses, sugar, vegetables, chicken meat, fruits and other items are also being given to the citizens at concessionary rates with the co-operation of concerned associations. Shahbaz Sharif directed that action should be taken without any discrimination against the elements involved in hoarding and profiteering. He directed that supply of essential items to Ramazan Bazaars as well as open markets be further improved besides due attention should be paid to the quality of fruits and vegetables. He said immediate measures should be taken to stabilise prices of daily use items. He said easy availability of potato, tomato and other items should be ensured in Ramazan bazaars.