Punjab Agriculture Department (PAD) raided a fake pesticide and zinc sulphate manufacturing company and took into custody fake goods worth hundreds of thousand rupees and handed over two accused to the police for further proceedings. According to PAD spokesman, District Officer Agriculture (Extension) Muhammad Waris Thakur and Deputy District Officer raided an unregistered factory working at Kot Radha Kishan Road in the area of Raiwind and recovered pesticides and zinc sulphate of hundreds of thousands rupees and sent the samples to laboratory for analysis.
The accused running the factory were also handed over to the police after getting a case registered against them in Raiwind City Police Station. Director General Agriculture (Extension) Dr Anjum Ali and EDO Agriculture Lahore Chaudhry Liaquat Ali were also present at the time of raid. Speaking on this occasion DG (Extension) Dr Anjum Ali said that the department was running a forceful campaign against fake pesticide and fertilizer manufacturers.