Chief of Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD), Hafiz Saeed on Friday blamed the US, Nato and India for unrest in the country, saying that the West is avenging from Pakistan for its defeat in Afghanistan in a decade-long war. "Nearly all Nato countries have already run away from the battle in Afghanistan," he told thousands of his followers at the Friday's congregation held at Bagh-e-Jinnah ground, Numaish Chowrangi.
He observed that the US and Nato along with India after their defeat at the hands of Afghan Mujahideen have now focused on Pakistan to revenge it and triggered countrywide bloodshed. He also urged Pakistani TV channels and press to stop sponsored propaganda in the country as such media-campaigns will have a long-lasting implication on the country's economy, unity and harmony.
Hafiz Saeed exclusively singled out Karachi as major hub of foreign countries activities in the country, saying that "bloodshed in Karachi is amid to inflict disasters on Pakistan by the West." He said the continuing unrest in the country's largest city has also forced the traders to disinvest.
He called upon the nation to seek God's forgiveness for their collective mistakes in the past that brought the country in deep troubles. He also hit back at the US for outlawing JuD and its affiliated organisations, saying the ban is a God's honour for his organisation as it was punished for serving the IDPs in particular. "The ban came at a time when the JuD was engaged in relief activities to help the IDPs trickling down from war-plagued North Waziristan," he said, adding that the US and its allies are all set to create hatred among Pakistanis to fulfil their agenda.