Little changes were seen on the money market on Monday in the process of trading, dealers said. The rupee fell by five-paisa against the dollar for buying at Rs 98.80 and it shed two-paisa for selling at Rs 98.90, they said.
In the first Asian trade, the dollar edged higher and touched its highest level in more than a week versus a basket of major currencies, staying on firm footing in the wake of last week's solid US jobs data. The dollar index rose 0.2 percent to 80.340. It touched a high of 80.351 earlier on Monday, its highest level since June 26. The dollar was trading against the Indian rupee at Rs 59.88, the US currency was available at 3.1860 versus the Malaysian ringgit, the greenback was at 6.200 against the Chinese yuan. Interbank buy/sell rates for the taka BDT against the dollar on Monday: 77.63-77.64 (previous 77.63-77.63). Call Money Rates: 05.75-07.25 percent (previous 05.75-07.50 percent).
Open Bid Rs.98.90
Open Offer Rs.99.10
Bid Rate Rs.98.80
Offer Rate Rs.98.90
According to the currency dealers, the rupee gained 10-paisa on buying side and 30-paisa on selling side in relation to the greenback. The dollar was traded at Rs 99.00 and Rs 99.05 on buying and selling counter against Rs 99.10 and Rs 99.35 of last Saturday, respectively, the dealers said.
Similarly, the rupee maintained upward slide and was further improved against the British pound. The pound's buying and selling rates were declined from last week closing of Rs 169.50 and Rs 169.75 to Rs 168.80 and Rs 169.05, respectively, they added.
The dollar opened at Rs 98.50 (buying) and Rs 98.60 (selling) against same last rate. It did not observe further change in the second session and closed at Rs 98.50 (buying) and Rs 98.60 (selling).
Pound Sterling opened at Rs 165 (buying) and Rs 165.50 (selling) against same last rate. It closed at the same rate without further change by the end of evening session.