The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Tuesday directed the Defence Housing Authority (DHA) to submit its objections to the applications filed by Karachi Municipal Corporation and a real estate concern seeking resumption of the construction work on a flyover and two under passes in the Clifton area.
A division bench of the SHC headed by Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar was seized with the matters filed by the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) and Bahria Town challenging the SHC's single bench order barring Bahria Town from carrying out construction on a flyover and two underpasses in Clifton.
Earlier on April 29, a single bench of the SHC had allowed the DHA's application while ruling that all construction work in relation to the project be immediately stopped. The bench had asked the KMC to obtain a mandatory environmental impact assessment (EIA) report from the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (Sepa) on the project. The DHA had contended that construction of the mega project was made without EIA duly approved by the Environment Protection Agency.
Counsel for Bahria Town filed an application stating that following the SHC's order, a Nazir of the court was appointed to inspect the site of constructions in the Clifton area. He stated that Nazir's report confirmed that the construction was at fairly advance stage when it was stopped following the high court order against construction of flyover and underpasses. He requested the court to allow Bahria Town to resume construction work at its own risk and cost and subject to the EIA report to be submitted by Sepa, which it would fully abide by.