Punjab Minister for Population Welfare Zakia Shahnawaz has said that the profiteering in items of daily use had been effectively discouraged through the successful measures of Punjab government and the people were being provided quality essential commodities on specially reduced prices in the Ramazan Bazaars.
She was visiting Ramazan Bazaars at Faizan-e-Madina Chowk Susan road to check the arrangements for the facilities of the consumers. MNAs Begum Khalida Mansur, Mian Farooq, DCO Noorul Amin Mengal, AC City Shafiullah Khan others officers and party workers were also present on the occasion. The Minister took a round of Ramazan bazaar and inspected the quality, quantity and prices of the vegetables, fruits, pulses and other food items on different stalls.
She expressed her satisfaction over the comprehensive arrangements for the stall holders and the buyers including activation of complaint cell, security, toilets, medical camp and help desk for the senior citizens. She appreciated the steps of DCO Noorul Amin Mengal for the establishment of organized Sahulat Bazaar comprising of iron sheds with ceiling fans, tuff tile flooring, parking and other facilities which depicted the super market environment for providing the essential commodities on control rates in the consumers for permanent basis. The Minister also met with the locals and enquires about the arrangements of the Ramazan bazaars.
She said the Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz was himself launching the interest and rights of the common man and all out measures were being made for their welfare. DCO Noorul Amin Mengal briefed the Minister that the City District Government had been following comprehensive strategy for providing the essential commodities to the consumers on control rates under one roof on permanent basis. He said that 11 Sahulat Bazaars had been constructed for the time while planning was underway for the establishment of 16 more Sahulat Bazaars in the district. He informed that 22 Ramazan Bazaars were functioning in the district which was being supervised attractively for maintaining the necessary arrangements.