Samsung Electronics Co on Wednesday announced its earnings guidance for the second quarter of 2014. Consolidated sales: Approximately 52.0 trillion Korean won (Range: 51.0 - 53.0 trillion Korean won) Consolidated operating profit: Approximately 7.2 trillion
Korean won (Range: 7.0 - 7.4 trillion Korean won). The above figures are consolidated earnings estimates based on K-IFRS 2014 1Q and 2013 2Q consolidated figures based on K-IFRS are as follows:
(in trillion won) 2014.1Q 2013.2Q
Sales 53.68 57.46
Operating profit 8.49 9.53
Disclosure regulations in South Korea do not allow earnings guidance to be provided as a range, therefore the official disclosure was made based on the median value as stated above. The guidance is provided ahead of the full announcement of quarterly earnings results for the convenience of investors and media, before our external audit on the financial results of our headquarters, subsidiaries and affiliates is completed. Therefore, the above estimate may differ from the actual results. The full earnings for the fourth quarter will be disclosed following the Board of Directors' approval of the financial statements and quarterly reports.-PR