City police on Wednesday claimed to have arrested 31,336 accused allegedly involved in different criminal cases including extortion, robbery and kidnapping in the ongoing Karachi operation during last 10 months. The police which in a bid to restore peace had initiated targeted operation against the criminals on September 5, 2013 had, so far, arrested 3,1336 accused , besides killing 392 alleged offenders till July 7 July.
According to police, they have conducted some 1,627 encounters in the jurisdiction of different police stations as part of Karachi operation that led to the arrests of 1,586 alleged dacoits and robbers, 336 extortionists, 83 kidnappers, 7,155 absconders. In addition to this, 590 people wanted in different cases were also taken in to custody during the period.
Police said that they have arrested some 7,908 accused under different acts, as 1,020 were arrested in murder cases, 264 offenders under explosive act, 5,706 under arms act, and some 4,663 suspects were arrested under narcotics and drug acts whereas 7,908 others, involved in different crimes, were also apprehended during the 10 months.
They also claimed to have recovered eight rocket launchers, 577 kg of explosive material, nine suicide jackets, 643 hand grenades, three anti-tank mine, three LMGs, 186 Kalashnikovs, and SMGs, 7,201 pistols, and revolvers, 116 rifles, 125 repeaters and shot-guns form their possession from September 5, 2013 to July 7. 2014. Though both the police and Rangers have been releasing daily reports to newspapers and electronic media, highlighting their performance during raids and encounters against targeted killers and hardened criminals, fear and tension continued to prevail in the city as the cases of street crimes, extortions, and targeted killings are still taking place, posing a question mark over the performances of law-enforcement agencies.