Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak condemned the gruesome target killing of a member of Sikh community and hurt of his two companions near Hashtnagri Peshawar. Khattak termed the firing incident a heinous terror attempt and conspiracy of the anti-state and anti-nation elements in pretext of Waziristan operation. Terming the incident of terrorism as attack on the national solidarity, he clarified that a tit for tat response would be given to it and terrorist elements would be eliminated along with their hideouts.
Expressing heartiest sympathy and solidarity on behalf of the provincial government and people with the affected families, the Chief Minister said that Sikh community is part and parcel of our entity and their services for the nation and country are open secret. He assured that while considering the attack as attack on the people of the province the terrorists involved in the incident will be brought to justice and even reasons behind it will also be searched out to foil such nefarious attempts of creating hatred among the valiant and peace loving people of KP on the bases of religion and sects. Pervez Khattak said that the province since last several decades is facing terrorism, which also included the blood of various minority communities including Sikhs, but now this bloodshed will be tolerated no more. He said that the sacrifices of the people will be bearing fruits and a new era of durable peace and progress is the anvil. He while announcing a compensation and financial assistance of Rs 0.5 million for the heirs of the deceased Sikh trader Jagmohan Singh and Rs 0.2 million each for the two injured Param Singh and Manbeet Singh directed the district administration for the delivery of the amount to their heirs with immediate effect. He also directed the administration of LRH for paying full attention to the treatment of injured and clarified that not only the provincial government rather the people of the province also acknowledge and pay tributes to the valuable services of Sikh Community in all our social and economic sectors.