The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Wednesday directed the secretary of Interior Ministry to ascertain whether the missing man, said to be arrested by law-enforcement agencies, was detained at Lucky Marwat Internment Center. A division bench headed by Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar gave this direction on a petition filed by Zia Iqbal, who sought recovery of his brother Azhar Iqbal.
The petitioner submitted that his brother was whisked away by personnel of law-enforcement agencies on May 07, 2011, from Gulzar-e-Hyderi area of Karachi and since then there was no clue to him. During pervious hearing, Zia told the court that he has learnt through the newspaper that his brother was detained at Lucky Marwat Internment Center, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. However, the news about his detention could not be verified. In order to ascertain if the petitioner's brother was confined at Lucky Marwat Internment Center, the court asked the federal law officer to seek the information from the interior ministry and the KP government in this regard and file a report.
When the matter came up for hearing on Wednesday, the federal law officer told the court that he wrote several letters to the secretary, Ministry of Interior, and the KP government, asking them to ascertain the facts but could elicit no response from them. The court issued notice to the secretary of Ministry of Interior for August 20 to either appear himself or depute his subordinate having acquaintance with the case and affairs of internment center to inform the court about detention of petitioner's brother.
Meanwhile, the same bench, directed DSP Shaukat Ali to file a report on efforts made by police to locate the missing man, Arsalan Masood Khan, who has been missing since December 2010. Petitioner Farhan Masood Khan told the court that his son, Arslan Masood Khan, was kidnapped from his home in Surjani Town, Karachi, on December 11, 2012. Since then he was missing.