The Karachi Port handled 73,160 tonnes of cargo comprising 57,539 tonnes of import cargo and 15,621 tonnes of export cargo including 4,550 loaded and empty containers during the last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Friday. The total import cargo of 57,539 tonnes comprised of 38,771 tonnes of containerised cargo; 18 tonnes of general cargo; 15,300 tonnes of coal and 3,450 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
The total export cargo of 15,621 tonnes comprised of 15,611 tonnes of containerised cargo and 10 tonnes of general cargo. As many as 4,550 containers comprising 2,905 containers import and 1,645 containers export were handled during the last 24 hours on Friday.
The breakup of imported containers shows 894 of 20's and 913 40's loaded while 51 of 20's and 67 of 40's empty containers, whereas that of exported containers shows 456 of 20's and 232 of 40's loaded containers while 133 of 20's and 296 of 40's empty containers were handled during the business hours. There were four ships namely Niara, Santa Rosa, Ever Radiant and Songa Eagle carrying containers and oil tanker respectively sailed out to sea during the reported period. There were four vessels viz. Hyundai Busan, UASC Ajman, PAC Aries and APL Seattle carrying containers respectively currently at the berths.
There was one ship namely UASC Ajman carrying containers sailed out to sea on Friday, while another ship namely APL Seattle carrying containers is expected to sail on Saturday. There were two vessels viz. Lissy Schulte and EL Gurdabia carrying containers and oil tanker respectively due to arrive on Friday, while three vessels viz. Captain Harry, Amoy Fortune and Ertea carrying oil tanker and steel respectively are due to arrive on Saturday.