Website shows world through Twitter's eyes

11 Aug, 2014

Where is Twitter used the most? Which topics appeal most to people in different countries? These are the kinds of questions being asked - and answered - on, a website that uses an elegant design and a world map to get the facts in real time about the micro-blogging service.
Once called up, tweetping connects to Twitter live. At first, there's only a blank map. But, as tweets begin to go out, more and more bright spots light up.
Every light stands for a micro-blog entry. After watching a while, certain patterns are revealed.
Twitter is a mass phenomenon in Japan, South Asia, Turkey and the countries along South America's eastern coast, you'll see. The data shows Twitter to be highly charged along Europe's western seaboard, whereas far fewer messages are produced in Germany.
You may also be surprised at the enormous flow from selected places like the US East Coast, whereas in that country's west, Twitter has only really taken hold in the large cities.

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