19 Aug, 2014

Yesterday's BR Research column titled 'How new is the new vision 2025?' (on page 2) alluded that the big difference between the three Visions, and the FEG lies not in dramatic shift in ideas (except for the case of Vision 2010, which was rather rudimentary) but in other not-so-key parts of any vision.
These differences include a more in-depth argument to make a case that was already made earlier, increasing reliance on quantitative and qualitative research to explain the problem and shed a bit of light on solution (where FEG is still the best), a move from generality of idea to specificity of thought with some policy suggestions, and lastly a fancier layout and presentation with even fancier jargons that basically say the same thing in different words. We hope this table, which compares some of the key areas of the three visions and the FEG, would help generate a healthy debate on the subject.

Focus areas Vision 2010 Vision 2030 FEG Vision 2025
STATE & MARKET Public private partnership. Govt role Public private partnership. Govt to focus only on Govt-led growth has to change. It is not a govt versus Public private partnerships. Govt sees itself primarily as a
limited; private-led growth Govt to provide core functions of regulation and provision of markets' approach but a 'govt and markets' approach. facilitator, enabler and regulator of private initiative and
environment; govt role is to regulate, essential services. Main thrust on private sector led Reorienting the role of govt; exit from markets and deeper enterprise, rather than an overarching direct producer of
policy & mentoring of private sector. development with govt. providing the enabling deregulation. Govt to complement an efficient competitive goods and services itself. Govt to create conditions for rule of
Entrepreneurship a key goal. environment. Liberalisation, privatisation and market. Govt to confine itself to the policy and regulation. law, by strengthening judicial system, police and the criminal
de-regulation: key pillars of economic policy. Private justice, system, and reviewing rules and regulations.
sector participation in social sectors.
CIVIL SERVICE Good Governance Commission to be Professionalism of civil servants is critical to reform Reforming civil service is critical for improving public sector Perverse incentive structures to be rationalised. Complete
formed. Improvements in incentive process. Extensive administrative reforms for better management. Civil service compensation brought in line with overhaul of civil services planned. Proffesionalisation of civil
structure, institutions, and ongoing co-ordination across all govt. tiers. private sector compensation. Monetisation of perks will result servants - inter alia performance evaluation, professional
training for civil servants. in efficiency gains and significant financial benefits for the qualification and career track specialisation. A National University
govt. Provide trainings. of Public Policy and Administration (NUPPA) to be formed.
LAW & JUSTICE Centre piece must be justice. Law Justice must become the bedrock of our society Ac- Security, justice and rule of law highlighted as must-have key Rule of law and social justice are key enablers. Govt to ensure
Commission to propose and roll out cess to justice whereby redress is available and social contract goods. The govt's role must be to protect strict enforcement of the rule of law, by strengthening judicial
judiciary reforms. dispensable to all. Development of legal/regulatory public interests and rights, provide public goods, enforce system, revamping police and the criminal justice system,
frameworks to minimise risks in public-private laws, and punish exploitative practices. Better configuration is reviewing rules and regulations and re-enforcing formal and
partnerships. Focus on economic justice as well, required between law and economics - particularly in informal channels. Criminal justice system to be reformed;
flowing from equitable &inclusive society. property rights and sanctity of contracts. Rule of law is also civil code and statutes will be revisited and reviewed,
highlighted as an important element for productivity. Policy, especially with respect to ensuring competition, a level playing
law and regulation must seek to minimise transactions costs. field and deterring collusive or rent seeking behaviour.
Lawyers and judges should be trained in handling commercial Reforms will be accelerated in the provinces to create smart
cases effectively and quickly. and community oriented Police, well equipped to fight crime.
DECENTRALIZATION/ Phased decentralization of the polity & Decentralization and devolution will be the main Decentralize responsibility for projects to line ministries. Establishment of a national social protection framework to
DEVOLUTION administration. Devolution to provincial, areas of administrative reform. Most govt. functions Decentralize planning and service delivery. Post-devolution the harmonize federal and provincial level policies and programs
district & finally to local level. will be devolved to provincial and local govts. requirements for capacity and better governance should be to remove regional disparities. The federation is to be
chalked out at all operational levels. strengthened by promoting inter-provincial and federal-
provincial communication. Forums such as the National
Economic Council, Council of Common Interests and the
Ministry for Inter-provincial co-ordination and Inter-province
Ministers Committees will be leveraged to improve
co-ordination and communication between the provinces and
the Centre. Foster local and innovative solutions to local
problems through community organisation in collaboration
with city governments.
EDUCATIONIHUMAN CAPITAL Primary emphasis on social & human Knowledge inputs and human capital are the Human capital is key determinant of growth. Human resource Human and social capital is one of the key areas of focus.
capital. Investing in human resources and substance of this vision. High growth rate would be development plays crucial role in this strategy. Pakistan must Quality education must for 'knowledge economy'. Education is
dynamic productivity enhancement sustained through developing human resources. open its domestic talent market to global pool of talent. a devolved but federal govt will help provinces in achieving
measures. High investment in education. Plans to achieve significant breakthroughs in education MDGs & help reduce provincial educational
education. Triple public spending on education/skill inequities. Education & research network of universities
development. Aims for universal primary and leading to international partnership program. A University Job
secondary enrolment and completion. One curriculum Creation fund to develop linkages between higher education
and one national examination system; technical and and labour market. Customized curriculum in universities and
vocational stream in last two years of secondary tailored academic degree programmes to respond to
schools. Education at all tiers will be the prime focus industries' demands. A university campus in each district and
to develop a competitive and thinking mind. strengthening of online programmes.
INNOVATION/PRODUCTIVITY National innovation system. Link FDI to An innovative society must be put in place before National Innovation Agency to be guided by thinkers, Put Pakistan on the innovation map of the world. Triple labour
technology transfer programme. Cluster any other expectations can be made. Spirit for innovators and corporate leaders.Creating incentives to and capital productivity by 2025. Strengthening Intellectual
Councils between academia, govt and innovation to be enhanced through better laws, and cultivate innovation and entrepreneurship. Invite talented Property Rights. A cluster based development approach to
private business sector to promote R&D. world class quality & standards. Productivity levels members of the Pakistani diaspora through the National improve competitiveness of designated business sectors.
of Pakistan need to be enhanced through human Rejuvenation Program as lecturers, mentors and consultants. National innovation initiative, and National Innovation Awards
resource development and deploying knowledge to be launched. Institutionalization of mechanisms for
inputs. commercialization of research at Pakistani
universities/research organisations. Assistance in filing
local/international patents. Foster entrepreneurship
eco-system within educational institutions. A nation-wide
quality and productivity awareness campaign to be launched.
National Productivity Council to be revived and professional-
ised. NPC to conduct Regular competitiveness audits and
publish annual competitiveness reports.
FOCUS ON CITIES No explicit focus Cities as engines of growth. Making cities Creative cities for growth & poverty reduction. Vibrant cities in Concept of 'smart cities'. Urbanization an important driver of
competitive in global and regional context. an enabling environment will be hotspots for entrepreneurship growth. Transforming urban areas into creative, eco-friendly
Metropolitan economic planning across entire urban and innovation. Cities as the melting pot for immigrants, the sustainable cities through improved city governance, urban
regions. Building new cities on west of Indus. Major dynamics on innovation and entrepreneurship will be unleashed. planning, local mobility infrastructure (mass transit systems)
cities envisioned as hubs of trade and commerce. and better security. Community based participation will be
promoted. Envisions digitally connected cities, equipped with
wireless network sensors. Competitiveness Index will
be introduced at the provincial level, and Annual Provincial
Competitiveness reports will provide implementable
URBAN DEVELOPMENT No explicit focus Mass transit systems in major cities. Strengthening Focus on urban development as a crucible for the nurturing of A 'Housing information system' to provide data on housing
the teaching of urban management and municipal innovation entrepreneurship and productivity. At lower tier, demand and supply to be established. Private sector to be
engineering at university level. Improved land cities with 1 million population and above to be encouraged to encouraged to provide housing facilities. Zoning laws to be
acquisition, zoning and development, house design their own urban development strategies. Develop revised; use of 'mixed use' areas - residential and
construction and financing schemes. strategies to attract and manage resources with optimal use commercial.' Katchi abadis' to be replaced by low income
of land and building infrastructure and delivering public residential buildings with adequate provision of sewerage,
services. Expand inner city markets, promote city cluster clean water, and basic utilities such as gas and electricity. A
development, and amend the zoning and building regulation. move towards vertical expansion in city centres will provide
residential facilities in addition to commercial space to city
inhabitants. Envisions public transport including mass transit
EXTERNAL TRADE A shift from protection to competition. govt. to facilitate competitive markets within The strategy aims for a flourishing export sector supported by An export led growth strategy will be pursued; promotion of
Double the per capita income through domestic players, with imports; and in international reductions in anti-export bias and improved logistics. export oriented industry. Exports are a victim of protectionist
export-led growth. Export led markets. Encouraging integration in the world Re-establishment of unilateral trade liberalisation programme. tendencies; envisions a shift to provide incentives to industries
industrialization specially technology economy primarily through attraction of foreign Thorough review of economic justifications for to move their production from low value to high value products.
based industries. Attract FDI for investment and increased trade. Focus on sectors/industries benefiting from above normal protection. Improve export competitiveness, and gain higher share in global
production for exports. increasing export competitiveness. Pursuance of Regional trade key for improving Pakistan's growth prospects markets besides diversification of products and regions. Plans
export oriented industrialisation strategy & in short and medium term. Tap the export potential of services to improve supply chains and integrate them with world market.
facilitating exports. Inefficiencies of import sectors, particularly transport, communications, banking, Betterment in trade diplomacy and regional trade enhancing
substitution will be reduced through tariff insurance and retail sectors. initiatives, including Saarc and Asean markets.
rationalization and export led strategy. Larger share
in the export of service sector.
PAKISTAN AS No explicit focus National Trade Corridor Initiative to overhaul entire No specific mention of trade corridor; but talks about regional Emphasises on the development of multiple corridors of
TRADE CORRIDOR logistics chain, physical connectivity and processes connectivity and improving transport, ICT, human resource regional cooperation, involving energy, industry, trade and
across north-south corridor. Energy corridor also to connectivity, vibrant border towns, public-private partnership for transportation & communication. Pakistan to can serve as a
be opened. infrastructural projects, and becoming a regional hub of aviation. hub and corridor of regional trade and help integrate these
regions into an interconnected market. Establishing
North-South and East-West corridors and developing
linkages through road and rail to Central Asian States, China,
and other neighbouring countries and development of a
separate freight corridor on railway tracks.

Source: BR Research study based on actual Vision and FEG documents

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