Download woes and HealthKit flaw bite iPhone software

19 Sep, 2014

Apple's typically adoring fans were grousing on Thursday over having to dump pictures and other digital keepsakes from iPhones to make room for a big, new operating system. Advice went out early that those intent on updating iPhones, iPads or iPods to iOS 8 should first backup photos, videos, and any other data they wanted to keep.
Apple gadget owners took to online forums to complain that after room was made for the new operating system, downloading the software took agonisingly long. On Thursday morning, "iOS8" topped the hot topics list at globally popular one-to-many messaging service Twitter. "iOS 9 will be out by the time iOS 8 finishes downloading," chirped a Twitter user with the handle @TrentOwens.
Twitter account @SeattleLucy rhetorically asked "Why do I have to wait 17 hours for iOS 8; literally it's not even worth 17 hours?" Online forums were rich with advice such as how to silence group chat messages and the importance of changing an array of privacy settings in the new operating software "iOS 8 has ruined my phone; I want to cry," read a Twitter post Thursday from @ChelseaStreeet. Among bright notes was delight people were taking in new virtual keyboards made possible by the operating system.
In another blemish, a "bug" in HealthKit software that meshes with iOS 8 caused Apple to pull some fitness applications from its online App Store temporarily. HealthKit was designed to let iPhones, and eventually Apple Watch wrist-wear due out next year, collaborate with fitness tracking applications and gadgets. Apple-focused website Cult of the Mac quoted the California company as saying it is "working quickly to have the bug fixed in a software update and have HealthKit apps available by the end of the month."
The iOS 8 mobile operating system is available free for download to many iPhone and iPad models and will be pre-installed on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which hit the market on Friday. Mixed in with iOS 8 update lamentations were tips about fun new features. The new operating software is tailored to deliver a seamless experience for users flitting between Apple mobile gadgets and popular Macintosh computers.
Alongside operating system updates, the California company unveiled HealthKit software to manage personal healthcare and HomeKit for home appliances. They are integrated into the system update. Apple synched iOS 8 to HomeKit software that could let iPhones or iPads be used as a centralised control for Internet-linked gadgets such as door locks, lights, thermostats and security systems.
Apple has also beefed up graphics and speed capabilities for games, which are consistently among the hottest applications on its mobile devices. Capabilities woven into operating software include one called "Continuity," which lets tasks started on one Apple gadget be automatically handed off to another one nearby. Messages or calls can also be handed off between devices.

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