Seminar on 'Prevention of Iatrogenic Fistula' organised

02 Oct, 2014

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Isra University Hospital and UNFPA jointly organised a one-day seminar & workshop on "Prevention of Iatrogenic Fistula". Urogenital fistula is one of the major health problems of developing countries. It is an abnormal communication between genital tract (vagina, cervix, and uterus) and urinary tract (bladder, urethra, and ureter) secondary to obstetrical trauma or iatrogenic insult, causing continuous urinary leakage.
The chief guest of this occasion Professor Dr Asadullah Kazi said that the developing countries is essentially concentrated on the reduction of maternal mortality. He said however attention also needs to be focused on complications of child birth which are not fatal, the most disabling of which, is obstetric fistula. He further said this condition, having been virtually eliminated in the most of the developed world, the problem is still common in some developing countries, like Sub-Saharan Africa and parts of the Indian subcontinent.
The Guest of Honour of this occasion Pro-Vice Chancellor & Director Isra Hospital Dr Abdul Ghani Kazi said, "I hope constant focus in the prevention of iatrogenic fistulae will reduce our burden of fistula since yet we have to fight for eradication of obstetrical fistulae which are still persisting and the iatrogenic fistulae should never be allowed to emerge as a new problem in future.

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