PARTLY FACETIOUS: Some legitimate questions

11 Oct, 2014

"Mian sahib as the country's prime minister went to Miranshah for the first time ever!"
"I don't understand...did he go to Miranshah after he became the prime minister for the first time and here I am implying that he went to that hot spot as the prime minister in waiting during 2008-13? Or did no other prime minister ever go there - and here I am referring to the previous two prime ministers namely Gilani sahib and Raja Rental..."
"Oh dear, each and every bone in your body is steeped in politics."
"But these are legitimate questions: I mean we have seen US presidents as well as parliamentarians and British prime ministers and parliamentarians taking trips to Kabul, and that city, need I add, was even a hotter spot than Miranshah..."
"I disagree."
"Why? The visits have been documented by the electronic media."
"Oh, I am not challenging the fact that the US and the British parliamentarians have visited Kabul, I am challenging your statement that Miranshah is less hot than Kabul."
"Catch the tiger by its tail..."
"And that's where it's all at my friend...the tail. I catch your tail, and before you argue that you don't have a tail, let me tell you that I am speaking figuratively, your tail is your desires or so I define tails."
"Legitimate or not quite kosher desires?"
"That depends on how you look at it. Mian sahib desires the army to take instructions from him and him alone, not to engage in...."
"OK but you do remember that the commander in chief of our army is actually the President."
"And you are aware of ground realities."
"OK, anyway my point is that Miranshah is a hotter spot these days than Kabul."
"If you are a Taliban yes but I don't see why the prime minister should be at risk..."
"A stray drone..."
"I would reckon that the Americans are informed of the visit, besides the US has always maintained that Pakistani government and officialdom are warned before any strike."
"A Taliban attack..."
"Not likely with the army on high alert."
"Oh alright, I hear there are no comforts in Miranshah - no air conditioners, no good cook, no..."
"Don't be facetious."

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