"Blue Area is open for business!"
"And what business is that? Surely not the business of governance based on what the public is being subjected to in terms of failure to appoint heads of state owned entities, in terms of inflation, unemployment, reduced exports and could someone tell Ishaq Dar that manipulating data does not fool any one - it's how much the income earned actually buys each week that determines the public's response to his performance."
"Well, Blue Area is open for traffic - the containers were lifted overnight and while our police littered the Constitution Avenue with their residue..."
"What residue?"
"Hey, I am not gonna say anything - people maybe eating their breakfasts or lunches or..."
"Please don't leave it to our imagination - we are a nation of conspiracy theorists and many of us may well maintain that the police left behind some grenades."
"The police doesn't have grenades, they have tear gas, and sticks and let no one think the stick cannot be used lethally especially by our brave and quickly angered Punjab police..."
"Don't be facetious, besides Punjab police more than the police of any other province obey orders from its executive."
"Well, then maybe we should transfer them to the army, I mean no disrespect intended but isn't the army supposed to be the disciplined force trained to obey orders?"
"OK, the Nawaz administration reckons that Shahbaz Sharif has tamed the Punjab police over seven years of rule and you can make what you will of that. It's those home ministers who need to be changed because they simply cannot cover their tracks any more."
"Don't be facetious but I would agree in that the Karachi guys keep getting changed by the provincial executive - somehow they don't heed directives while the Punjab government gets more loyalty from its police."
"You are being facetious aren't you! I mean the Punjab police answers to one man while the Karachi police has to tackle a unique situation - Karachi belongs to the MQM electorally while the police belongs to the PPP's Sindh government which got seats from rural Sindh."
"Sad that!"