Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri on Friday said that PAT would announce its future strategy regarding the ongoing sit-in in Islamabad after the public meeting scheduled for October 19 at Miniar Pakistan, Lahore. PAT chief while addressing his followers camped out at D-Chowk said that the decision regarding the future of sit-in would be taken after Lahore meeting. He added his party would take independent decision in this regard.
He said that his party had started the sit-in on its own would itself decide when and how to end it. He said that it was quit possible to continue the sit-in for one year or to take the containers to different cities to spread 'Green Revolution's' message to every nook and cranny of the country. "No one should try to spread rumours about the future of our sit-in, as we have started it on our own and will end it as per the party decision," he urged.
Qadri accused the government of spreading rumors about ending the sit-in for last one month. He said the sit-in would not be end and it would be spread across the country. He warned the government not to spread rumors about financial compensation, (Diyat) to the victims' families. The PAT chief said that nobody would have the courage to offer, directly or indirectly, compensation to the victims' families of Model Town tragedy for ending the sit-in.
He made it clear that they would not accept Diyat (financial compensation) of Model Town martyrs and would prefer Qisas (blood for blood). Qadri said that the party would not make any deal regarding the Model Town massacre. He said that PAT's Minar Pakistan rally would render the status quo parties dysfunctional. He said that he will go to Lahore on October 19 to address the Minar Pakistan rally and will stay there for one day to meet with the party local leadership and return to Islamabad on October 21.