Renowned social worker Abdul Sattar Edhi was looted on Sunday morning when seven dacoits deprived him of gold, cash and other valuables worth millions of rupees. The cash and valuables looted by robbers, according to Maulana Edhi, were donated to Edhi Foundation for social works.
Police Inspector Ejaz Mughal told Business Recorder that some seven dacoits barged in to the Edhi Headquarters, located in Kharadar, at around 9.45am, held the people present there, including Abdul Sattar Eidhi, hostage on gunpoint, looted 5kg of gold, foreign and local currencies worth millions of rupees after breaking the locks of different cupboards and rode away from the scene with the booty.
"The robbers spent over an hour in the Edhi Headquarters, broke each and every cupboard, took out cash, gold and valuables from them and fled" he said, adding that the management of Edhi Trust has confirmed that the dacoits took away 5kg of gold, foreign and local currency worth millions of rupees.
"Though the exact amounted looted in the robbery is yet to be calculated, it might be over millions of rupees," the police officer added.
Abdul Sattar Edhi said that dacoits woke him up and asked for keys of the lockers. "They (dacoits) didn't force me," he added. Cash and valuables looted by the robbers were donated to the Edhi Foundation for carrying out social works.
"I never confronted such an incident before," Edhi deplored, and added: " I was held up before, but was let off without taking away anything from me."
Meanwhile, taking a strong notice of the incident, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has directed the provincial Additional Inspector General (AIG) Ghulam Qadir Thebo to submit a report of the robbery to him.
Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) in a statement issued on Sunday strongly condemned the incident and demanded immediate arrest of the culprits involved in the heinous crime. First Information Report (FIR) N0. 319/2014 of the incident has been registered against unknown robbers at Kharadar police station.