Hundreds of flood affected people lying on the embankments on Sunday staged a demonstration against the district administration for distribution of compensation of Rs 25,000 per family among the undeserving people purely on political ground. They chanted slogans against PML-N MPA Hammad Nawaz Tipu, DCO Muzaffargarh Hafiz Shaukat Ali and 'corrupt' Patwaris.
The affected people told media men that Patwaris were demanding Rs 8,000 to 10,000 for induction of their names in the list of affected victims. They claimed that compensation was given to those who were not deserved persons like Muhammad Ashiq, Shakir Hussain Shafiq, Talib Hussain sons of Abdul Ghafoor (Saw-mills owner), Haji Muhammad Ramzan son of Ashiq (owner of Departmental store) Haji Shakir son of Ghulam Hussain, Bashir Khan son of Ghulam Rasool, Shaukat Bashir son of Muhammad Bashir (Banker) Kaloo Khan son of Shabbir Khan, Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain, Moulvi MuhammadHayat Baloch, Syed Jamil Hussain Shah son of Syed Rukhsar Shah, Muhammad Bakhsh (Hotelier)and Ashiq Hussain (Councillor).
Similarly residents of Niraliwala, Chah Usmani wala, Do-aaba, Rohari, Thatta Siyalan, Muradabad, Sunakki, Lalpur alleged that undeserving but influential people got compensation. They alleged that three Patwaris namely Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Akhtar and Muhammad Arshad,(they are real brothers)have fleeced the flood-hit people and extorted Rs 8000 against the compensation of Rs 25,000. They are still waiting for the saviours. Nazir Begum of Usmani-wala said," My home swept away in flood. Some people made photographs of her home's debris and got compensation but she could not get Rs 25000 in spite of being a genuine affected victim.