Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX

22 Oct, 2014

Pakistan Mercantile Exchange - PMEX (Formerly National Commodity Exchange Limited - NCEL) Trading Summary on Tuesday (October 21, 2014).

Total Volume - Lots 10,136 Total Volume - Rs. 2,029,898,513
Date Commodity Contract Price Open High Low Close Traded Previous Current Open
Date Quotation Volume Settlement Settlement Interest
in Lots Price Price in Lots
21-Oct-14 CRUDE10 DE14 US$ Per Barrel 82 82.65 80.8 82.32 5,104 82.04 82.32 3,708
21-Oct-14 CRUDE10 JA15 US$ Per Barrel 81.5 82.1 80.32 81.8 602 81.56 81.8 907
21-Oct-14 CRUDE10 FE15 US$ Per Barrel 81.07 81.43 80.94 81.31 52 0 81.31 50
21-Oct-14 CRUDE100 DE14 US$ Per Barrel 82.01 82.63 80.82 82.32 919 82.04 82.32 448
21-Oct-14 CRUDE100 JA15 US$ Per Barrel 81.54 81.99 80.5 81.8 23 81.56 81.8 43
21-Oct-14 CRUDE100 FE15 US$ Per Barrel 81.31 81.31 81.31 81.31 0 0 81.31 0
21-Oct-14 SL100OZ NO14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.34 17.36 17.34 17.36 0 17.34 17.36 0
21-Oct-14 SL100OZ DE14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.45 17.52 17.36 17.39 222 17.37 17.39 964
21-Oct-14 SL100OZ JA15 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.4 17.42 17.4 17.42 0 17.4 17.42 0
21-Oct-14 SL500OZ NO14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.34 17.36 17.34 17.36 0 17.34 17.36 0
21-Oct-14 SL500OZ DE14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.46 17.51 17.37 17.39 32 17.37 17.39 248
21-Oct-14 SL500OZ JA15 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.4 17.42 17.4 17.42 0 17.4 17.42 0
21-Oct-14 SL10 NO14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.34 17.36 17.34 17.36 0 17.34 17.36 0
21-Oct-14 SL10 DE14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.4 17.51 17.34 17.39 321 17.37 17.39 2,551
21-Oct-14 SL10 JA15 US$ Per Troy Ounce 17.4 17.42 17.4 17.42 0 17.4 17.42 0
21-Oct-14 GO1OZ NO14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,242.40 1,253.00 1,242.40 1,248.30 1,081 1,242.10 1,248.30 782
21-Oct-14 GO1OZ DE14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,242.80 1,254.00 1,242.80 1,248.60 1,001 1,242.40 1,248.60 2,220
21-Oct-14 GO1OZ FE15 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,243.90 1,254.20 1,243.90 1,249.20 466 1,243.00 1,249.20 400
21-Oct-14 GO10OZ NO14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,243.40 1,252.80 1,243.40 1,248.30 60 1,242.10 1,248.30 30
21-Oct-14 GO10OZ DE14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,243.50 1,254.10 1,243.50 1,248.60 120 1,242.40 1,248.60 347
21-Oct-14 GO10OZ FE15 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,247.30 1,254.30 1,246.50 1,249.20 32 1,243.00 1,249.20 73
21-Oct-14 GO100OZ NO14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,242.10 1,248.30 1,242.10 1,248.30 0 1,242.10 1,248.30 0
21-Oct-14 GO100OZ DE14 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,246.10 1,248.60 1,244.90 1,248.60 6 1,242.40 1,248.60 6
21-Oct-14 GO100OZ FE15 US$ Per Troy Ounce 1,243.00 1,249.20 1,243.00 1,249.20 0 1,243.00 1,249.20 0
21-Oct-14 GOLD NO14 Per 10 Grams 41,114.00 41,342.00 41,114.00 41,342.00 0 41,114.00 41,342.00 0
21-Oct-14 GOLD DE14 Per 10 Grams 41,466.00 41,466.00 41,360.00 41,360.00 1 41,133.00 41,360.00 3
21-Oct-14 GOLD JA15 Per 10 Grams 41,149.00 41,377.00 41,149.00 41,377.00 0 41,149.00 41,377.00 0
21-Oct-14 GOLDKILO NO14 Per 10 Grams 41,082.00 41,308.00 41,082.00 41,308.00 0 41,082.00 41,308.00 0
21-Oct-14 GOLDKILO DE14 Per 10 Grams 41,100.00 41,326.00 41,100.00 41,326.00 0 41,100.00 41,326.00 0
21-Oct-14 GOLDKILO JA15 Per 10 Grams 41,117.00 41,343.00 41,117.00 41,343.00 0 41,117.00 41,343.00 0
21-Oct-14 TOLAGOLD MON Rs Per Tola 48,680.00 49,493.00 48,680.00 49,493.00 3 49,078.00 49,493.00 3
21-Oct-14 TOLAGOLD TUE Rs Per Tola 49,072.00 49,498.00 49,072.00 49,498.00 0 49,072.00 49,498.00 0
21-Oct-14 TOLAGOLD WED Rs Per Tola 49,000.00 49,470.00 49,000.00 49,470.00 1 49,062.00 49,470.00 1
21-Oct-14 TOLAGOLD THU Rs Per Tola 49,068.00 49,483.00 49,068.00 49,483.00 0 49,068.00 49,483.00 0
21-Oct-14 TOLAGOLD FRI Rs Per Tola 49,072.00 49,488.00 49,072.00 49,488.00 0 49,072.00 49,488.00 0
21-Oct-14 MTOLAGOLD MON Per Tola 49,078.00 49,493.00 49,078.00 49,493.00 0 49,078.00 49,493.00 0
21-Oct-14 MTOLAGOLD TUE Per Tola 49,072.00 49,498.00 49,072.00 49,498.00 0 49,072.00 49,498.00 0
21-Oct-14 MTOLAGOLD WED Per Tola 49,957.00 49,957.00 49,470.00 49,470.00 90 49,062.00 49,470.00 91
21-Oct-14 MTOLAGOLD THU Per Tola 49,068.00 49,483.00 49,068.00 49,483.00 0 49,068.00 49,483.00 0
21-Oct-14 MTOLAGOLD FRI Per Tola 49,072.00 49,488.00 49,072.00 49,488.00 0 49,072.00 49,488.00 0
21-Oct-14 MINIGOLD MON Per 10 Grams 42,378.00 42,601.00 42,378.00 42,601.00 0 42,378.00 42,601.00 0
21-Oct-14 MINIGOLD TUE Per 10 Grams 42,335.00 42,634.00 42,335.00 42,634.00 0 42,335.00 42,634.00 0
21-Oct-14 MINIGOLD WED Per 10 Grams 42,346.00 42,568.00 42,346.00 42,568.00 0 42,346.00 42,568.00 0
21-Oct-14 MINIGOLD THU Per 10 Grams 42,357.00 42,579.00 42,357.00 42,579.00 0 42,357.00 42,579.00 0
21-Oct-14 MINIGOLD FRI Per 10 Grams 42,367.00 42,590.00 42,367.00 42,590.00 0 42,367.00 42,590.00 0
21-Oct-14 ICOTTON DE14 US Cents Per Pound 62.89 62.89 62.27 62.27 0 62.89 62.27 0

NOTE: Traded Volume reflects the trades from 04:00 pm of previous day to 04:00 pm of current day.

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