Advisor to Punjab Chief Minister on Health Khawaja Salman Rafiq has said that under Chief Minister's Health Reforms Programme, Upgradation of district and tehsil headquarters hospitals has been started under which all missing medical equipment and staff would be provided to these hospitals in different phases. He said this while presiding over a meeting to evaluate the needs of DHQ and THQ hospitals of districts Jhang and Faisalabad here on Wednesday.
Secretary Health Jawad Rafiq Malik, DG Health Dr Zahid Pervaiz, Deputy Secretary Budget and Accounts Sarfraz Ahmad, planning officers of the department, Principal Punjab Medical College Faisalabad Professor Zahid Hashmi, EDO Health Faisalabad Dr Rana Waqar, Members Provincial Assembly Khalid Saeed, Nawaz Malik, Dr Najma Afzal Khan and MPA from Jhang Rashida Yaqub, former MPA Sh Muhammad Yaqub, EDO Health Jhang and Medical Superintendents of the concerned hospitals attended the meeting.
The elected public representatives thanked the CM Shahbaz Sharif for issuing orders to provide missing medical equipment, Upgradation of the hospitals and provision of staff. The meeting decided to handover the administrative control of government hospital Ghulam Muhammadabad and government hospital Samanabad to Punjab Medical College Faisalabad. It would provide the opportunity to avail the consultancy facilities of specialist doctors to the patients of the said hospitals.
MS of Allied Hospital urged that bio-medical engineers should also be posted for the maintenance of bio-medical equipment. The meeting reviewed the deficiencies and missing facilities in the hospitals. It was decided that the shortage of doctors, nurses would be overcome by recruitment of paramedics for Allied Hospital Faisalabad and other hospitals of the districts. The meeting discussed the plan of establishing kidney Centre in Faisalabad, extension in the infrastructure of DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, establishment of Breast Clinic in Faisalabad. Similarly, the matter of Upgradation of DHQ hospital Jhang was also discussed. It was decided that new ambulances, dialysis machines, X-ray machines would be provided to the government hospital Jhang.