Rupee-dollar parity rates slipped on the local currency market at the week-end ahead of long holidays in observance of Ashura, dealers said. The rupee fell slightly versus the dollar, losing five paisa for buying and selling Rs 102.85 and Rs 103.00, they said. The rupee, however, gained 25 paisa against the euro for buying and selling at Rs 129.00 and Rs 129.25, they said. According to the currency dealers, the dollar resumed trading at its day earlier closing of Rs 102.90 and Rs 103.15 as its buying and selling rates, respectively. However, following a slight increase in the dollar's demand, its rate was moved up to Rs 102.95 and Rs 103.20 on buying and selling side, respectively, the dealers said.
Open Bid Rs 102.85
Open Offer Rs 103.05
Likewise, the rupee remained weak and was depreciated against the pound sterling. The pound's buying and selling rates were improved from Friday closing of Rs 164.00 and Rs 164.25 to Rs 164.60 and Rs 164.85, respectively, they added.
The dollar opened at Rs 103 for buying and Rs 103.10 for selling against same overnight rate. It did not observe further change in the second session and closed at Rs 103 for buying and Rs 103.10 for selling.
ound Sterling opened at Rs 164 for buying and Rs 164.10 for selling against same overnight value. It did not observe further change in the evening session and closed at Rs 164 for buying and Rs 164.10 for selling.