Punjab Finance Minister Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman has said the Punjab government has levied tax only on rich people, owning big houses, and increased duty on luxury vehicles. He expressed these views while talking to party workers here on Wednesday, disclosed an official. He also said property tax has been increased after 14 years and this increase will also be imposed on big houses owned by affluent class.
He said as a result of the government economic policies and current fiscal year's budget, job opportunities will be offered to 4 million people whereas 2 million people will be provided technical training in order to make them self-sufficient. "The Punjab government wants to upgrade the growth rate of the province to 8 percent in next four years and in result of it, more than 7 million people will be able to live above poverty line," he added.
According to him, priority was being paid to education and health sectors and development budget of current fiscal year was 17 percent more as compared to previous year. Also, 36 percent of development budget has been allocated for south Punjab so that maximum development projects will be completed in less developed districts of the province.
He said the Punjab government has provided Rs 5 billion from the provincial budget and the federal government will also provide the same amount for providing relief to farmers. He said a subsidy of Rs 10 billion will be given to farmers on buying DAP fertilizer, as the farmers' community was the backbone of our economy. He said workers' minimum wages have also increased from Rs 10,000 to Rs 12,000 per month.