Federal Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid said on Saturday that the Chief Election Commissioner would be appointed before November 13 as per the Supreme Court ruling. Talking to a private television channel, Pervaiz Rashid said that the CEC will be appointed in accordance with the Constitution, adding that consultations with political parties in this regard are in progress.
"Names of five former judges, including PTI-nominated Nasir Aslam Zahid, are under consideration," the Information Minister said. Replying to a query, he said that there was a consensus among various political parties on the name of Rana Bhagwandas for the CEC slot.
Rashid said that opposition leader in the National Assembly Khursheed Shah was making efforts to convince political parties on any one contender. The Information Minister said Finance Minister Ishaq Dar will contact Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for the resumption of dialogue to end prevailing political stalemate. The Minister said that PTI chief Imran Khan has learnt a lesson from the prevailing political situation that in politics one should not go to blind alley.