Model Customs Collectorate (MCC), Hyderabad on Wednesday claimed to have seized 37,000 litres of smuggled Iranian diesel worth 7.737 million rupees near village Jongal Taluka Khanpur, District Shikarpur. According to official sources, the action was taken on a tip-off, which revealed that some unscrupulous elements were involved in bringing Iranian HSD from Quetta to Punjab through unfrequented route.
In pursuance of said information, the staff of Special Anti-smuggling Squad, Larkana mounted surveillance that resulted interception of an oil tanker (TKW-355) near village Jongal Taluka Khanpur, District Shikarpur. Following the said raid, staff of Special Anti-smuggling Squad, Larkana has faced strong resistance from some unidentified persons, who blocked main artery and resorted to hooliganism.
Later, the staff of Special Anti-smuggling Squad got succeeded to impound vehicle and seized 37,000 litres of Iranian smuggled diesel. Official sources said that market value of the aforesaid foreign origin smuggled diesel along with vehicle was 7.737 million rupees (approx), which involved duty and taxes to the tune of 1.171 million rupees. They further said that law enforcement agencies remained unable to provide timely assistance to the staff, despite formal request by senior management of the Collectorate.