National Assembly panel pays tribute to sacrifices of IDPs

14 Nov, 2014

The National Assembly Standing Committee on Interior and Narcotics Control on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution to pay tribute to the sacrifices of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) due to operations Zarb-e-Azb and Khyber-one and urged federal and provincial governments to fulfil their responsibilities regarding IDPs.
MNA Rana Shamim Ahmad Khan chaired the standing committee, passed the resolution to pay tribute to IDPs, urged federal and provincial governments to facilitate IDPs and make arrangements for return of IDPs to those areas which were cleared by Pakistan army. Naeema Kishwar Khan and Sher Akbar Khan, committee members, condemned drone attacks and urged immediate halt of drone attacks inside Pakistan.
The committee expressed anger over the absence of Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali and acting chairman National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) from the meeting. Rana Shamim Ahmad issued strict directives to acting chairman Nadra to ensure his presence in the next meeting.
Sardar Nabil Ahmad Gabol criticised the absence of chairman Nadra and Interior Minister from the meeting. He urged chairman of the committee to pass a resolution for condemning the continued absence of Interior Minister from the meeting. "Mr Chairman, pass the resolution, do not be afraid as all the members of the committee are with you", he said". "Each meeting of the committee costs Rs 3 million and due to the absence of Interior Minister and other officials concerned such huge amount of taxpayers' money go in vain", he said.
Syed Asif Hasnain said that the committee needs to write a letter to Prime Minister regarding continued absence of Interior Minister from the meeting. MNA Naeema Kishwar Khan said that the concerned minister and official must ensure their presence in the meeting otherwise there is no need of holding such meetings to waste public money.
The committee deferred criminal law (amendment) act 2014, amendment of section 55,XLV of 1860 and insertion of new section, National Database and Registration Authority (amendment) act, 2013 (amendment of section 15 ordinance VIII of 2000) and Nadra (amendment) act,2014 (amendment of section 8,10,11 and 12 of ordinance VIII of 2000).

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